The 7th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference , 2008-02-19

Title : Numerical Simulation of Partial Cavitation over Axisymmetric Bodies: VOF Method vs. Potential Flow Theory ( Numerical Simulation of Partial Cavitation over Axisymmetric Bodies: VOF Method vs. Potential Flow Theory )

Authors: Mohammad Passandideh-Fard , حسین معین , ایمان رشیدی , محمود پسندیده فرد ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


A computational study of partial cavitation over axisymmetric bodies is presented using two numerical methods. The first method is based on the VOF technique where transient Navier-Stokes equations are solved along with an equation to track the cavity interface. Next, the steady boundary element method (BEM) based on potential flow theory is presented. The results of the two methods for a disk cavitator are compared with each other and with those of the available experiments and analytical relations. The two methods are then used to predict the partial cavity over an axisymmetric body consisting of a disk cavitator followed by a conical section and ending in a cylindrical shape. The effects of various parameters such as cone length, cone angle, cavitator radius and cylinder diameter are investigated. Shortcomings and limitations of each method are discussed.


Numerical Simulation of Partial Cavitation over Axisymmetric Bodies: VOF Method vs. Potential Flow Theory
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author = {Passandideh-Fard, Mohammad and حسین معین and ایمان رشیدی and محمود پسندیده فرد},
title = {Numerical Simulation of Partial Cavitation over Axisymmetric Bodies: VOF Method vs. Potential Flow Theory},
booktitle = {The 7th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference},
year = {2008},
location = {تهران, IRAN},
keywords = {Numerical Simulation of Partial Cavitation over Axisymmetric Bodies: VOF Method vs. Potential Flow Theory},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Numerical Simulation of Partial Cavitation over Axisymmetric Bodies: VOF Method vs. Potential Flow Theory
%A Passandideh-Fard, Mohammad
%A حسین معین
%A ایمان رشیدی
%A محمود پسندیده فرد
%J The 7th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference
%D 2008
