Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics, Volume (4), No (4), Year (2012-11) , Pages (29-33)

Title : ( Coderivation on Matrix Coalgebras Over Coalgebras )

Authors: Madjid Mirzavaziri , elham tafazzoli ,

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In this paper we prove that the coderivation Lie algebra of an arbitrary coalgebra C is isomorphic to a subalgebra of the coderivation Lie algebra of Mc n(C), the coalgebra of n  n matrices over C. Also, proving the innerness property of derivations and coderivations is a dual notion, we describe the form of coderivations on Mc n(C), for nite dimensional coalgebra C.


Coalgebra; Coderivation; Inner coderivation.
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author = {Madjid Mirzavaziri, and Tafazzoli, Elham},
title = {Coderivation on Matrix Coalgebras Over Coalgebras},
journal = {Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics},
year = {2012},
volume = {4},
number = {4},
month = {November},
issn = {1943-2380},
pages = {29--33},
numpages = {4},
keywords = {Coalgebra; Coderivation; Inner coderivation.},


%0 Journal Article
%T Coderivation on Matrix Coalgebras Over Coalgebras
%A Madjid Mirzavaziri,
%A Tafazzoli, Elham
%J Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics
%@ 1943-2380
%D 2012
