International Conference on Information Technology and Multimedia (ICIM) , 2011-11-14

Title : ( EWA: An Exemplar-based Watermarking Attack )

Authors: Amir Hossein Taherinia , J.Jamzad ,

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In this paper, we used image inpainting as a means for reconstruction of small damaged portions of a watermarked image so that the hidden watermark is not detectable afterwards. Our new watermarking attack algorithm extends the exemplar-based inpainting method, and then we apply it to intended noisy watermarked images to alter the watermark detection process. Our approach is completely free from any pre-assumption on the watermarking algorithm or any other parameters that is used during the watermark embedding procedure. The average PSNR/SSIM of the watermarked image after applying the proposed attack is more than 35/0.98 and the average NC for extracted watermark is lowers than 0.5, so theoretically, the watermark is not detectable.


, Benchmark testing , Image edge detection , Image segmentation , PSNR , Robustness , Watermarking
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author = {Taherinia, Amir Hossein and J.Jamzad},
title = {EWA: An Exemplar-based Watermarking Attack},
booktitle = {International Conference on Information Technology and Multimedia (ICIM)},
year = {2011},
location = {Kuala Lumpur},
keywords = {Benchmark testing ; Image edge detection ; Image segmentation ; PSNR ; Robustness ; Watermarking},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T EWA: An Exemplar-based Watermarking Attack
%A Taherinia, Amir Hossein
%A J.Jamzad
%J International Conference on Information Technology and Multimedia (ICIM)
%D 2011
