Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, ( ISI ), Volume (20), No (2), Year (2014-1) , Pages (591-596)

Title : ( Studies on product distribution of naostructered iron catalyst in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis: effect of catalyst particle size )

Authors: Ali Nakhaei Pour , Mohammad Reza Housaindokht ,

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The dependencies of hydrocarbon product distributions of Fischer–Tropsch synthesis by iron catalysts on catalysts particle size are studied. The concept of two superimposed Anderson–Schulz–Flory distributions applied for represent size dependency of product distributions. A series of catalysts with different particle size are prepared by microemulsion method. It is found that the carbon number of produced hydrocarbon decreased with decreasing the catalyst particle size. These results indicate the H2 concentration on catalyst surface decreased by increasing the catalyst particle size. Thus the concentration of monomers that exhibited higher degree of hydrogenation (like CH2 species) on the surface of catalyst increased with decreasing the catalyst particle size


, Chain length distribution; Fischer–Tropsch synthesis, Iron catalyst, Particle size
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Nakhaei Pour, Ali and Housaindokht, Mohammad Reza},
title = {Studies on product distribution of naostructered iron catalyst in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis: effect of catalyst particle size},
journal = {Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry},
year = {2014},
volume = {20},
number = {2},
month = {January},
issn = {1226-086X},
pages = {591--596},
numpages = {5},
keywords = {Chain length distribution; Fischer–Tropsch synthesis; Iron catalyst; Particle size},


%0 Journal Article
%T Studies on product distribution of naostructered iron catalyst in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis: effect of catalyst particle size
%A Nakhaei Pour, Ali
%A Housaindokht, Mohammad Reza
%J Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
%@ 1226-086X
%D 2014
