International Transactions in Operational Research, ( ISI ), Volume (20), No (2), Year (2013-3) , Pages (251-266)

Title : ( A branch‐and‐bound algorithm for scheduling of new product development projects )

Authors: Mohammad Ranjbar ,

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In this paper, we consider a scheduling problem in a new product development project. Each research and development project consists of a set of activities in which each activity may be executed by several ways. Each execution way of an activity is a different technology, called an alternative technology, which may fail due to technical risks. In this work, we focus on scheduling activity\\\'s alternative technologies with the goal of maximizing the expected net present value. We assume that the activity payoff is obtained as soon as any single technology is completed successfully. We formulate the problem and develop a two phase solution procedure, consisting of a branch-and-bound algorithm and a recursive search procedure. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm has been evaluated on a set of randomly generated test instances.


, Project scheduling, new product development, branch-and-bound
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author = {Ranjbar, Mohammad},
title = {A branch‐and‐bound algorithm for scheduling of new product development projects},
journal = {International Transactions in Operational Research},
year = {2013},
volume = {20},
number = {2},
month = {March},
issn = {0969-6016},
pages = {251--266},
numpages = {15},
keywords = {Project scheduling; new product development; branch-and-bound},


%0 Journal Article
%T A branch‐and‐bound algorithm for scheduling of new product development projects
%A Ranjbar, Mohammad
%J International Transactions in Operational Research
%@ 0969-6016
%D 2013
