16th Iranian Chemistry Congress , 2013-09-07

Title : ( A novel imidazolium based task-specific ionic liquid as an efficient catalyst for the synthesis of 5-cyano-6-aryl-2-thiouracil derivatives )

Authors: Maede Hasanpour Mansour , Hossein Eshghi , Mohammad Rahimizadeh ,

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Ionic liquids have attracted increasing interest in the contextof green synthesis in recent years. Initially ionic liquidswere introduced as an alternative for green reaction mediabecause of their unique chemical and physical properties like nonvolatility, nonflammability, thermal stability, and controlledmiscibility [1-3]. Herein a novel dicationic and task-specific ionic liquid, based on imidazolium cation is designed and synthesized as a catalyst and reaction medium for the one-pot synthesis of 5-cyano-6-aryl-2-thiouracil derivatives. Thiouracil derivatives are potential therapeutics as antiviral, anticancer and antimicrobial agents [4,5]. For example, S-alkylation and Nalkylation products have been recently reported as novel antibacterial and cytotoxic agents [6,7]. The remarkable feature of this new catalyst is its ethyleneoxy bridge which participates in dissolving organic compound in ionic liquid. The application of this ionic liquid is studied in a new one-pot method for synthesis of 5-cyano-6-aryl-2-thiouracil derivatives under solvent-free conditions (Scheme 1).


, imidazolium, ionic liquid, catalyst, 5-cyano-6-aryl-2-thiouracil
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author = {Hasanpour Mansour, Maede and Eshghi, Hossein and Rahimizadeh, Mohammad},
title = {A novel imidazolium based task-specific ionic liquid as an efficient catalyst for the synthesis of 5-cyano-6-aryl-2-thiouracil derivatives},
booktitle = {16th Iranian Chemistry Congress},
year = {2013},
location = {یزد, IRAN},
keywords = {imidazolium; ionic liquid; catalyst; 5-cyano-6-aryl-2-thiouracil},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T A novel imidazolium based task-specific ionic liquid as an efficient catalyst for the synthesis of 5-cyano-6-aryl-2-thiouracil derivatives
%A Hasanpour Mansour, Maede
%A Eshghi, Hossein
%A Rahimizadeh, Mohammad
%J 16th Iranian Chemistry Congress
%D 2013
