Radiation Physics and Chemistry, ( ISI ), Volume (85), No (1), Year (2013-4) , Pages (83-88)

Title : ( An optimized pre-moderator improves uniformity of activation rate distribution in an ORNL phantom-IVNAA facility )

Authors: Atiyeh Ebrahimi Khankook , Laleh Rafat Motavali , Seyyed Hashem Miri Hakimabad ,

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Uniformity of activation rate distribution through the human body is extremely important for in vivo analysis of the body elements by neutron activation method. Achieving uniformity can be difficult because of the non-homogenous body shape and compositions. Pre-moderator is one of the most essential parts of the irradiation facility to provide uniform distribution over the sample. The aim of the present study was designation of an optimum pre-moderator, in terms of shape and material, which compensates the destructive effects of body shape and allows a satisfactory uniformity of activation rate in the sample. Our final calculations indicated that using two slabs of paraffin with a thickness of 1.8 cm as a pre-moderator in the presence of a reflector/moderator, achieve the most uniform distribution of activation rate in the body.


, Activation rate; Uniformity; ORNL; MCNP; IVNAA; Pre, moderator
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Ebrahimi Khankook, Atiyeh and Rafat Motavali, Laleh and Miri Hakimabad, Seyyed Hashem},
title = {An optimized pre-moderator improves uniformity of activation rate distribution in an ORNL phantom-IVNAA facility},
journal = {Radiation Physics and Chemistry},
year = {2013},
volume = {85},
number = {1},
month = {April},
issn = {0969-806X},
pages = {83--88},
numpages = {5},
keywords = {Activation rate; Uniformity; ORNL; MCNP; IVNAA; Pre-moderator},


%0 Journal Article
%T An optimized pre-moderator improves uniformity of activation rate distribution in an ORNL phantom-IVNAA facility
%A Ebrahimi Khankook, Atiyeh
%A Rafat Motavali, Laleh
%A Miri Hakimabad, Seyyed Hashem
%J Radiation Physics and Chemistry
%@ 0969-806X
%D 2013
