Title : ( Finding a suitable shield for mixed neutron and photon fields based on an Am–Be source )
Authors: Keyhandokht Karimi shahri , Laleh Rafat Motavali , Seyyed Hashem Miri Hakimabad ,Abstract
This study aimed to investigate a shielding design against neutron and photon rays from neutron irra- diators based on Am–Be sources, using the Monte Carlo simulation. Different shielding materials were studied, including borated polyethylene, DaGa concrete, and epoxy resin with colemanite. The Monte Carlo N-particle code (MCNP)was used to design shielding.Anewtype of neutron and photon shielding material based on 40 % galena, 55% polyethylene, and 5 % boric acid is proposed. The results show that the total effective dose of radiation is significantly reduced by the optimum radius of this shielding system.
, Shielding design, Am–Be source , Neutron effective dose , ORNL phantoms , Monte Carlo simulation@article{paperid:1036760,
author = {Karimi Shahri, Keyhandokht and Rafat Motavali, Laleh and Miri Hakimabad, Seyyed Hashem},
title = {Finding a suitable shield for mixed neutron and photon fields based on an Am–Be source},
journal = {Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry},
year = {2013},
volume = {298},
number = {1},
month = {October},
issn = {0236-5731},
pages = {33--39},
numpages = {6},
keywords = {Shielding design- Am–Be source - Neutron effective dose - ORNL phantoms - Monte Carlo simulation},
%0 Journal Article
%T Finding a suitable shield for mixed neutron and photon fields based on an Am–Be source
%A Karimi Shahri, Keyhandokht
%A Rafat Motavali, Laleh
%A Miri Hakimabad, Seyyed Hashem
%J Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
%@ 0236-5731
%D 2013