15th World Veterinary Poultry Congress , 2007-09-12

Title : ( The study of preventive effects of saccharomyces boulardii on the lesions caused by Salmonella typhimurium in broiler chickens )

Authors: I. Karimi , M. Mahzounieh , Hossein Nourani , B. Amiri ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


The study of preventive effects of saccharomyces boulardii on the lesions caused by Salmonella typhimurium in broiler chickens


, saccharomyces boulardii, Salmonella typhimurium
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {I. Karimi and M. Mahzounieh and Nourani, Hossein and B. Amiri},
title = {The study of preventive effects of saccharomyces boulardii on the lesions caused by Salmonella typhimurium in broiler chickens},
booktitle = {15th World Veterinary Poultry Congress},
year = {2007},
location = {IRAN},
keywords = {saccharomyces boulardii; Salmonella typhimurium},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T The study of preventive effects of saccharomyces boulardii on the lesions caused by Salmonella typhimurium in broiler chickens
%A I. Karimi
%A M. Mahzounieh
%A Nourani, Hossein
%A B. Amiri
%J 15th World Veterinary Poultry Congress
%D 2007
