International Journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research, Volume (1), No (8), Year (2013-9) , Pages (802-812)

Title : ( Study of Existing Radon In Milk and Its Effect on Body Organs )

Authors: mansoureh mansourbahmani , Alireza Heravi Moussavi , Seyed Alireza Vakili , Mohammad Reza Rezaie , Hassan Reza Dehghan , Elham Rezvan Najad ,

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Milk is considered as the richest nutrition , being used by people. Since milk is majorly composed of water, probably Radon existence in livestock consumable water could be the main cause of its presence in milk. This study has been done in two phases with use of MCNPX software. In the first phase , the dose rate of absorbed gamma ray by components of milk which is indoctrinated by 1Bq/m3 of Radon during a day, is calculated at (nrad). In the second phase as well, according to the human body phantom, the absorbed gamma dose caused by daily consumption of indoctrinated water or milk by 1Bq/m3 of Radon, is calculated at nanosievert (nSv). The production rate of free radicals in milk and its different components is derived according to ESCASE data of MCNPX code. Different Portion of milk Changed by radon gamma ray and Consumption of radon included water or milk has its effects on the body of each person and is totally absorbable for everybody.


, Milk, radon, Gamma ray, Body organs, MCNPX code
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Mansourbahmani, Mansoureh and Heravi Moussavi, Alireza and Vakili, Seyed Alireza and Mohammad Reza Rezaie and Hassan Reza Dehghan and Elham Rezvan Najad},
title = {Study of Existing Radon In Milk and Its Effect on Body Organs},
journal = {International Journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research},
year = {2013},
volume = {1},
number = {8},
month = {September},
issn = {2322-4827},
pages = {802--812},
numpages = {10},
keywords = {Milk; radon; Gamma ray; Body organs; MCNPX code},


%0 Journal Article
%T Study of Existing Radon In Milk and Its Effect on Body Organs
%A Mansourbahmani, Mansoureh
%A Heravi Moussavi, Alireza
%A Vakili, Seyed Alireza
%A Mohammad Reza Rezaie
%A Hassan Reza Dehghan
%A Elham Rezvan Najad
%J International Journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research
%@ 2322-4827
%D 2013
