Journal of Dairy Science, ( ISI ), Volume (97), No (1), Year (2014-1) , Pages (363-371)

Title : ( The effect of 2 liquid feeds and 2 sources of protein in starter on performance and blood metabolites in Holstein neonatal calves )

Authors: Abdol Mansour Tahmasbi , Somayyeh Heidarijahanabadi , Abbas Ali Naserian ,

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The aim of present study was to investigate the effect of 2 liquid feeds and 2 protein sources in starter on the performance and blood metabolite responses of Holstein neonatal calves from birth to 6 wk of age. Calves (20 males and 20 females) based on sex were randomly assigned to 4 treatments in a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement, including soybean meal (SBM) and meat and bone meal (MB) with either fermented colostrum (or fresh milk. Although sex and liquid feed had no significant effect on feed intake, calves consumed more feed intake on the diet containing SBM (15 ± 0.2 kg) than MB (13 ± 0.2 kg) during the experimental period; also, weight gain was affected by both liquid feed and starter. Liquid feed and starter had significant effects on calf body size, including pin width, hip width, withers height, hip height, and stomach size, but no significant effects were observed on calf body size between the sexes. Plasma glucose concentration was not affected by sex, liquid feed, or starter. Plasma urea nitrogen concentration decreased in the first 3 wk and then started to increase during the last 3 wk, but it was only affected by starter and calves receiving SBM (10.18 mg/dL) had a higher concentration of plasma urea nitrogen than calves receiving MB (9.6 mg/dL) at the end of the experiment. Plasma growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor I concentrations decreased in all treatment groups from d 0 to the end of the study. No significant effects were observed on plasma growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor I concentrations between the 2 sexes, but they were significantly affected by both liquid feed and starter. Results of the present study provide useful information to apply to Holstein neonatal calves during the first 6 wk of life when liquid feed and 2 sources of protein in starter are considered. Key words: calf , performance , blood metabolites


, calf , performance , blood metabolites , body size
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author = {Tahmasbi, Abdol Mansour and Heidarijahanabadi, Somayyeh and Naserian, Abbas Ali},
title = {The effect of 2 liquid feeds and 2 sources of protein in starter on performance and blood metabolites in Holstein neonatal calves},
journal = {Journal of Dairy Science},
year = {2014},
volume = {97},
number = {1},
month = {January},
issn = {0022-0302},
pages = {363--371},
numpages = {8},
keywords = {calf ; performance ; blood metabolites ;body size},


%0 Journal Article
%T The effect of 2 liquid feeds and 2 sources of protein in starter on performance and blood metabolites in Holstein neonatal calves
%A Tahmasbi, Abdol Mansour
%A Heidarijahanabadi, Somayyeh
%A Naserian, Abbas Ali
%J Journal of Dairy Science
%@ 0022-0302
%D 2014
