Title : ( Corridor development of Melbourne metropolitan area, Australia )
Authors: Mohammad Rahim Rahnama , Ray Wyatt ,Abstract
By introducing public transport-oriented corridor development to scientific urban planning literature, the present paper aims at identifying and prioritizing development corridors of Melbourne metropolitan region according to corridor model of GIS software. To this purpose, six variables were employed; population density in 2011, main commercial centers (17 centers), metro-based transport network, tramway, freeways and main arterial highways. The resulted mapping layers were converted from vector to raster based on access radius of 400 and 800m buffers from connection lines. Considering different natures of variables, they were weighted by the option Reclassify of Arc.Gis software. Then using the option Cost-Distance, required layers were formed and finally three mapping corridor models were obtained by combining six variables using corridor model. Finally a new map was drawn indicating hybrid and the most accessible corridors by combining three corridor maps and called hybrid corridor map. This corridor map is suggested as the best model for development of Melbourne metropolitan region.