Title : ( A report of Argas reflexus infestation as a health risk in Mashhad area, Iran )
Authors: Gholam Reza Razmi ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
Objectives: Argas reflexus, a temporary ectoparasite of the pigeon. Hungry ticks seem to attack man only when they have been expelled from a breeding-site. This report is discussed about aspect of health risks related to Argas reflexus. Material& Methods: In the present study, the families of two apartments encountered with pigeons tick biting in the nights over period of three months. The location of the nesting site of pigeons was on the roof of apartments. The bite reactions consist of itching and edema. Some peoples were also abandoned their apartments due to tick worry. The apartments were examined and collected the ticks from the crevices of the wall and cabinets. The collected ticks were identified as Argas reflexus. Conclusion: The presence of nesting sites of pigeons in the neighborhood of man is an important risk factor for invasions of people by A. reflexus