The 6 th Algebraic combinatorics conferance of Iran , 2013-10-30

Title : ( On the generalization of Cayley graphs associated to a lattice )

Authors: khosro nafar , مژگان افخمی گلی , Kazem Khashyarmanesh ,

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‎Let L be a lattice. For a natural number n we associate a simple graph denoted by T^nL with L^n-{0} as the vertex set and two distinct vertices X and Y begin adjacent if and only if there exists an nxn lower triangular matrix A over L ‎such that AX^T=YT or AYT=X^T, where for a matrix B , B^T is the matrix transpose of B. In ths talk we study some basic properties of T^nL.‎


, Cayley graph, lattice, indepedece number, diameter