16th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy , 2014-06-14

Title : ( Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Breast Cancer in Pregnancy: A Simulative Dosimetry Estimation Study )

Authors: Laleh Rafat Motavali , Yasaman Rezaei Moghaddam , Elieh Hoseinian Azghadi , Seyyed Hashem Miri Hakimabad ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Cancer complicates approximately 1 per 1000 pregnancies and causes one-third of maternal deaths. Pregnancy affects the treatment procedure and causes lots of limits in prescribing radiotherapies considering the fetus receiving dose. Especially in the case of breast cancer which is a common cancer in women, radiotherapy is hardly prescribed in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. Instead, surgery is usually suggested especially for the locally advanced tumors. In these situations, neutron capture therapy can be mentioned as a possible treatment: considered as a targeted therapy, avoid the high fetal dose and also conserve the breast. *OUIJTTUVEZ EPTFBTTFTTNFOUJTQFSGPSNFECZ.$/19VTJOHOFXEFWFMPQFE pregnant phantoms in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad based on magnetic resonance (MR) images tied to the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) reference voxel phantom. The phantom is developed for two DBTFTPGBOENPOUIQSFHOBOUʾFOFVUSPOCFBNTPVSDFJTFYUSBDUFEGSPNUIF both thermal and epithermal output of In-Hospital Neutron Irradiator (IHNI) of Beijing, China. The neutron beam with the 6 cm radius is employed to the treated volume (breast) in five different orientations. No shielding is considered in the abdominal area. Six different locations, each with four different tumor sizes, in the breasts of both BOENPOUIQSFHOBOUQIBOUPNT UPUBMMZTJUVBUJPOT BSFDPOTJEFSFEBTUVNPS volumes. In each breast, one case is assumed to be deep-seated and two others are near-surface. Each tumor volume is irradiated in five orientations: straight to UIFCSFBTU BOUFSJPSQPTUFSJPS BOEUIFPUIFSGPVSJUFNTXJUIEFHSFFSPUBUJPO in right, left, up and down of the right breast. RBE-weighted absorbed dose values are estimated for thermal and epithermal beams of IHNI. The optimum multi- beam irradiation for each tumor volume is obtained based on: total dose to fetus and its sensitive organs, tumor to normal tissue dose ratio, and dose uniformity in tumor volume. Based on these calculations, we conclude that BNCT can be applied to breast cancer in the pregnant women.


, BNCT, breast cancer, pregnancy
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Rafat Motavali, Laleh and Rezaei Moghaddam, Yasaman and Hoseinian Azghadi, Elieh and Miri Hakimabad, Seyyed Hashem},
title = {Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Breast Cancer in Pregnancy: A Simulative Dosimetry Estimation Study},
booktitle = {16th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy},
year = {2014},
location = {هلسینکی},
keywords = {BNCT; breast cancer; pregnancy},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Breast Cancer in Pregnancy: A Simulative Dosimetry Estimation Study
%A Rafat Motavali, Laleh
%A Rezaei Moghaddam, Yasaman
%A Hoseinian Azghadi, Elieh
%A Miri Hakimabad, Seyyed Hashem
%J 16th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy
%D 2014
