International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Research, Volume (1), No (4), Year (2014-4) , Pages (1016-1020)

Title : ( The effectiveness of group reality therapy based on choice theory in the quality of life of substance abusers )

Authors: Mohammad Ebrahim Hokm Abadi , Ali Mohammad Rezaei , Mohaamad Javad Asgari Ebrahimabad , Shiva Zarezadeh Kheibari ,

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Quality of life refers to people’s understanding of their position in life, culture and value systems and in association with their objectives, aspirations and standards. This study attempts to investigate the effect of group reality therapy based on choice theory on quality of life in substance abusers. Hence, the research employed pre-test, post-test,and control group design. A sample of 40 individuals was randomly selected from among a larger population in TC center of Mashhad City and assigned to the control and experimental groups. Both groups completed the WHOQOL–BREF questionnaire before and after the treatment. Findings showed that group reality therapy based on choice theory enhances motivation of change in substance abusers in the experimental group as compared to the control group. Reality therapy can be used to enhance the quality of life (QOL) in substance abusers.


, Reality therapy, quality of life, substance abuser
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author = {Mohammad Ebrahim Hokm Abadi and Ali Mohammad Rezaei and Asgari Ebrahimabad, Mohaamad Javad and Shiva Zarezadeh Kheibari},
title = {The effectiveness of group reality therapy based on choice theory in the quality of life of substance abusers},
journal = {International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {1},
number = {4},
month = {April},
issn = {2322-4002},
pages = {1016--1020},
numpages = {4},
keywords = {Reality therapy; quality of life; substance abuser},


%0 Journal Article
%T The effectiveness of group reality therapy based on choice theory in the quality of life of substance abusers
%A Mohammad Ebrahim Hokm Abadi
%A Ali Mohammad Rezaei
%A Asgari Ebrahimabad, Mohaamad Javad
%A Shiva Zarezadeh Kheibari
%J International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Research
%@ 2322-4002
%D 2014
