Title : ( Homotopy properties of subsets of Euclidean spaces )
Authors: Fateme Helen Ghane Ostadghassemi , hadi passandideh ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
This paper is devoted to prove several results concerning the homotopy groups of separable metric spaces that generalize some of the main results of [4] and [5] to homotopy groups. In particular, we focus on subspaces of Euclidean spaces. Among the results, we proposed a partial generalization of Shelah's Theorem to higher homotopy groups for noncompact spaces. Also, we discuss n-homotopically Hausdorff property, a separation axiom for n-loops introduced in [12], and conclude that each subset of Rn+1 is n-homotopically Hausdorff. Moreover, the concept of a Hawaiian n -wild point will be introduced that illustrates the complexity of homotopy group at that point. We show that any (n−1)-connected locally (n−1)-connected subspaces of Rn+1 with uncountable nth homotopy group admit a Hawaiian n-wild point. Finally, we prove that n th homotopy group of any (n−1)-connected locally (n−1)-connected subspace of Rn+1 is free provided that it is n-semilocally simply connected, and then we study the free Abelian factor groups of the homotopy groups of these spaces.
, Homotopy groups; n, Homotopically Hausdorff property; Nerve; n, Connected space; Locally n, connected space@article{paperid:1049761,
author = {Ghane Ostadghassemi, Fateme Helen and Passandideh, Hadi},
title = {Homotopy properties of subsets of Euclidean spaces},
journal = {Topology and its Applications},
year = {2015},
volume = {194},
number = {9},
month = {October},
issn = {0166-8641},
pages = {202--211},
numpages = {9},
keywords = {Homotopy groups; n-Homotopically Hausdorff property; Nerve; n-Connected space; Locally n-connected space},
%0 Journal Article
%T Homotopy properties of subsets of Euclidean spaces
%A Ghane Ostadghassemi, Fateme Helen
%A Passandideh, Hadi
%J Topology and its Applications
%@ 0166-8641
%D 2015