Performance of the Legislative/Shura Councils in the Gulf region , 2015-11-17

Title : ( Function and Performance of the Islamic Parliament Assembly of Iran )

Authors: Mohsen Khalili ,

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The main objective of the present paper, are: 1 – The composition of the chambers, the selection/appointment processes, representation of the chamber members and accountability to their constituencies. Existence of parliamentary groups/factions/parties. 2 – The legislative role and performance: Attributions and responsibilities granted according to the constitutions/basic laws Participation of members in parliamentary debates and elaboration of laws Budget discussions Government oversight and relations with judicial and executive branches of government. 3 – Assessment on the political performance of the legislative/shura councils: Do they influence in the policy making process? Do they influence in foreign policy making policy? Are they perceived by the populations as an active and relevant national body?


, parliament, Iran, Performance, function
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Khalili, Mohsen},
title = {Function and Performance of the Islamic Parliament Assembly of Iran},
booktitle = {Performance of the Legislative/Shura Councils in the Gulf region},
year = {2015},
location = {دوحه},
keywords = {parliament; Iran; Performance; function},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Function and Performance of the Islamic Parliament Assembly of Iran
%A Khalili, Mohsen
%J Performance of the Legislative/Shura Councils in the Gulf region
%D 2015
