Journal of Food Science and Technology, ( ISI ), Volume (52), No (12), Year (2015-12) , Pages (8377-8382)

Title : ( Hydration kinetics and physical properties of split chickpea as affected by soaking temperature and time )

Authors: Saeed Johnny , Seyed Mohammad Ali Razavi , Diako Khodaei ,

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In this study, some physical properties (principal dimensions, mean diameters, sphericity, area, density and electrical conductivity) of split chickpea were measured as function of soaking time (up to 360min) and temperature (25-65oC). Initially, the water absorption rate was high and then it showed a progressive decrease at all temperatures, whereas solid loss exhibited a power function of temperature (P<0.05). The Peleg model was predicted well the kinetic of split chickpea soaking. No significant difference (P<0.05) was observed in Peleg rate constant (K1) and Peleg capacity constant (K2) at all temperatures except for K1 at 25 oC. The discrepancy for K1 was in relation to permeability characteristics of split chickpea at temperature of 25 oC. As temperature increased from 25 to 65 oC, the K1 value decreased from 0.04620 to 0.00945 g h-1, whereas the K2 value increased from 0.08597 to 0.11320 g-1. Plot for K1 exhibited a slope changes around 45 oC corresponding to gelatinization temperature of split chickpeas. The effect of temperature and time on physical properties of split chickpea during soaking was monitored by regression equations. It was concluded that physical properties of split chickpea affected by its water absorption especially at higher temperatures.


Chickpea; Kinetic; Physical properties; Solid loss; Water absorption
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author = {Johnny, Saeed and Razavi, Seyed Mohammad Ali and Khodaei, Diako},
title = {Hydration kinetics and physical properties of split chickpea as affected by soaking temperature and time},
journal = {Journal of Food Science and Technology},
year = {2015},
volume = {52},
number = {12},
month = {December},
issn = {0022-1155},
pages = {8377--8382},
numpages = {5},
keywords = {Chickpea; Kinetic; Physical properties; Solid loss; Water absorption},


%0 Journal Article
%T Hydration kinetics and physical properties of split chickpea as affected by soaking temperature and time
%A Johnny, Saeed
%A Razavi, Seyed Mohammad Ali
%A Khodaei, Diako
%J Journal of Food Science and Technology
%@ 0022-1155
%D 2015
