8th Seminar on Geometry and Topology , 2015-12-15

Title : ( stable invariant graphs and and their ergodic properties for weakly contractive skew products )

Authors: marzie zaj , Fateme Helen Ghane Ostadghassemi ,

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In this paper we address the existence and ergodicity of attracting invariant graphs for a class of skew product maps defined by weakly contractive planar diffeomorphisms forced by expanding circle maps. In our approach, these skew product systems arising from iterated function systems generated by a finitely many weakly contractive diffeomorphisms.


Skew product; Invariant graph; Attractor
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author = {Zaj, Marzie and Ghane Ostadghassemi, Fateme Helen},
title = {stable invariant graphs and and their ergodic properties for weakly contractive skew products},
booktitle = {8th Seminar on Geometry and Topology},
year = {2015},
location = {تهران, IRAN},
keywords = {Skew product; Invariant graph; Attractor},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T stable invariant graphs and and their ergodic properties for weakly contractive skew products
%A Zaj, Marzie
%A Ghane Ostadghassemi, Fateme Helen
%J 8th Seminar on Geometry and Topology
%D 2015
