Telecommunications (IST), 2010 5th International Symposium on , 2010-12-04

Title : ( Desin Investigation of Dual Band-Reject Microwave Filter by C-Shaped DGS with Improved Q-Factor )

Authors: Mohammad Hassan Neshati , Mostafa Attaran kakhki ,

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A new compact, small size dual band-stop C-shaped defected ground structure (DGS) is proposed in this paper. Two same patterns C-shaped patterned ground structure are designed and their dimensions are adjusted to obtain band rejection frequency response at 2.4 GHz and 5.7 GHz. Then, two DGSs structure are cascaded in series to obtain a high Q-factor dual-band rejection property. The distance between two DGSs is optimized for an acceptable response. All structures are numerically investigated using HFSS and the dual band filter is designed and implemented. Results show that there are two parallel resonance frequencies at 2.468 GHz and 6.629 GHz with a very high Q-factor, while signal attenuation at the resonant frequencies is least 20 dB. The new introduced DGS filter is successfully designed and fabricated and the measured results are in a good agreement with those obtained by numerical investigation.


, Defected ground structure (DGS); Microwave Filter, Dual Band-reject filter; Q-factor.
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author = {Neshati, Mohammad Hassan and Attaran Kakhki, Mostafa},
title = {Desin Investigation of Dual Band-Reject Microwave Filter by C-Shaped DGS with Improved Q-Factor},
booktitle = {Telecommunications (IST), 2010 5th International Symposium on},
year = {2010},
location = {تهران, IRAN},
keywords = {Defected ground structure (DGS); Microwave Filter; Dual Band-reject filter; Q-factor.},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Desin Investigation of Dual Band-Reject Microwave Filter by C-Shaped DGS with Improved Q-Factor
%A Neshati, Mohammad Hassan
%A Attaran Kakhki, Mostafa
%J Telecommunications (IST), 2010 5th International Symposium on
%D 2010
