JETP Letters, Volume (104), No (9), Year (2016-12) , Pages (601-608)

Title : ( Measurement of QCD parameters by using the single dressed gluon approximation )

Authors: reihaneh saleh moghaddam , Mohammad Ebrahim Zomorrodian ,

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This article is based on renormalization analysis by using the single dressed gluon (SDG) approximation.This model is used to measure the coupling constant in perturbative as well as in the non- perturbative part of the QCD theory. We employ the event shape observables ⟨BT⟩, ⟨BW⟩, ⟨1−T⟩, ⟨C⟩and ⟨ρ⟩. By fitting both Monte Carlo and the real data with SDG, we find the mean value αS (MZ0 ) = 0.1215 ± 0.0030GeV and also the mean value ν = 1.2685 ± 0.0173GeV in the perturbative and in the non-perturbative regions, respectively. Our results are consistent with those obtained from other experiments at di_erent energies. We explain all these features in this paper.


, QCD parameters, single dressed gluon,