Microelectronics Journal, Volume (43), No (6), Year (2012-6) , Pages (377-385)

Title : ( Ultra-area-efficient reversible multiplier )

Authors: Mariam Zomorodi-Moghadam , Keivan Navi ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


One of the most promising technologies in designing low-power circuits is reversible computing. It is used in nanotechnology, quantum computing, quantum dot cellular automata (QCA), DNA computing, optical computing and in CMOS low-power designs. Because of this broad range of applications, extensive works have been proposed in constructing reversible gates and reversible circuits, including basic universal logic gates, adders and multipliers. In this paper we have highlighted the design of reversible multipliers and have presented two designs. Integration of adder circuit and multiplier in the design is described, in order to utilize the unused capacity of the multipliers. We have achieved reduction in quantum cost compared to similar designs as well as appending the adder circuit to the multiplier which leads to better usage of resources. Additionally, we have described the multiplier problem for implementing n×n reversible multiplier and analyzed the required resources in terms of n. Practical implementation of this design can be achieved with the existing technologies in CMOS and nanotechnology. Lastly, we make a tradeoff between area and time complexity to obtain two designs which can be used in different situations where different requirements are of different importances. We compare the proposed designs with each other and also to the existing ones.


Nanotechnology; Quantum computing; Reversible logic; Reversible circuits; Reversible multiplier design
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author = {Zomorodi-Moghadam, Mariam and Keivan Navi},
title = {Ultra-area-efficient reversible multiplier},
journal = {Microelectronics Journal},
year = {2012},
volume = {43},
number = {6},
month = {June},
issn = {1879-2391},
pages = {377--385},
numpages = {8},
keywords = {Nanotechnology; Quantum computing; Reversible logic; Reversible circuits; Reversible multiplier design},


%0 Journal Article
%T Ultra-area-efficient reversible multiplier
%A Zomorodi-Moghadam, Mariam
%A Keivan Navi
%J Microelectronics Journal
%@ 1879-2391
%D 2012
