Title : ( Peak shifted properties of the low background NaI(Tl) detectors: An experimental study of response function behavior in different temperature and acquisition time )
Authors: Yasaman Rezaei Moghaddam , Laleh Rafat Motavali , Seyyed Hashem Miri Hakimabad ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
Due to the necessity of using low background NaI detector in sensitive and accurate measurements, study on the response function variations in different conditions is very important. These types of detectors have different responses in various measurement conditions, including time, temperature and high voltage. In this study, the response function of 76 B 76 LB NaI (SCIONIX) in different conditions is discussed. According to the channel shifting in these detectors and its direct effect on degrading the resolution, the most convenient measurement condition for these detectors, is proposed. Finally, it is recommended that before long-time measurements a “waiting time” is needed to avoid the channel shifting effects.