International Journal of English Linguistics, Volume (6), No (7), Year (2016-12) , Pages (31-35)

Title : ( Semiotics in Haroun Hashem Rashid lyrics relying on the theory of Pierce )

Authors: Ahmad Mohammadi nejad pashaki , Ahmad Reza Heidaryan Shahri , Bahar Seddighi ,

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Today semiotics mainly influenced by Pierce’s thoughts and demarches has become an independent discipline which is used as an interdisciplinary aspect of text analysis. This approach, which uses linguistics, sociology, literature, and so forth is an efficient method of analysis. Semiotic analysis of the works in Arabic literature could lay the groundwork for a new reading of them, leading to better understanding of the texts. While introducing literary semiotics, this paper thus examines the poetry of Haroun Hashem Rashid based on the approach in question. It also appears that the encryption is related to the creator, aesthetics, text interrelationship, time, place, and the form of a poem. Given the work of Haroun Hashem Rashid, a number of roles are presented that rebuild a powerful relationship within a turbulent life, which is fluctuating between the pleasant and unpleasant symptoms. This associates likely and widespread meanings with the pure human being concepts. The results show that there is a high reliance on hypertext elements and the events of the author’s life in his poetry in addition to the text elements. However, of all the most frequent indices of his poetry, time, characters, and the indications of locations can be noted


, Peirce's semiotics, literary texts, poetry, Haroun Hashem Rashid
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Mohammadi Nejad Pashaki, Ahmad and Heidaryan Shahri, Ahmad Reza and Seddighi, Bahar},
title = {Semiotics in Haroun Hashem Rashid lyrics relying on the theory of Pierce},
journal = {International Journal of English Linguistics},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {7},
month = {December},
issn = {1923-869X},
pages = {31--35},
numpages = {4},
keywords = {Peirce's semiotics; literary texts; poetry; Haroun Hashem Rashid},


%0 Journal Article
%T Semiotics in Haroun Hashem Rashid lyrics relying on the theory of Pierce
%A Mohammadi Nejad Pashaki, Ahmad
%A Heidaryan Shahri, Ahmad Reza
%A Seddighi, Bahar
%J International Journal of English Linguistics
%@ 1923-869X
%D 2016
