Linking Forest Inventory and Optimization , 2008-04-01

Title : ( Transect-plot inventory, a method for arid and semi arid forests (A New Edition Method) )

Authors: Mahdi Kolahi , Hadi Fadaei ,

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Determining of proper inventory method is very important in arid and semi arid region. Hence, transect-plot inventory method was proposed for Gharah-Ghermez Juniperus forest with an area about 1234 ha locates in 75 km of Chenaran city north. These forests belong to arid and semi arid floristic regions. This method integrates sampling with transect and permanent plots. According to the results, these forests are coppice with standard and Juniperus, Berberis, Crataegus, and other species constitute 93, 5, 1.6 and 0.4 percent of species composition. These forests are not enclosure and they have highly grazed. Regeneration situations are not satisfactory and most of the trees have been attacked by pests and diseases, So that 92% of Juniper trees have been attacked by Juniperus Wasp larvae. Based on forest vegetation map, 424, 561 and 299 ha of forest area have dense canopy cover (5-10%), spare canopy cover (1-5%) and without canopy cover, respectively. The percentage of crown coverage in Juniper forests is 3.02% and its density is 43.5 individual per ha. Also tree density for Junipers, Berberis, Crataegus and other species are as follows; 40.5, 2.2, 0.7, 0.1, respectively. These forests were studied in forestry and silviculture points of view. Due to conservation and environmental aspects of these forests, they deserve to be planned for development and area extension. Directing traditional husbandry to industrial one, we can help husbandry and forest sustainability continue for future.


, Forest, Transect-plot inventory, Canopy, Density, Silviculture, Forestry
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author = {Kolahi, Mahdi and Hadi Fadaei},
title = {Transect-plot inventory, a method for arid and semi arid forests (A New Edition Method)},
booktitle = {Linking Forest Inventory and Optimization},
year = {2008},
location = {Freising, GERMANY},
keywords = {Forest; Transect-plot inventory; Canopy; Density; Silviculture; Forestry},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Transect-plot inventory, a method for arid and semi arid forests (A New Edition Method)
%A Kolahi, Mahdi
%A Hadi Fadaei
%J Linking Forest Inventory and Optimization
%D 2008
