Applied Organometallic Chemistry, Volume (31), No (11), Year (2017-10)

Title : ( Highly dispersed copper/ppm palladium nanoparticles as novel magnetically recoverable catalyst for Suzuki reaction under aqueous conditions at room temperature )

Authors: Kamran Lamei , Hossein Eshghi , Mehdi Bakavoli , S. Rostamnia ,

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An efficient procedure based on arginine‐modified Fe3O4@carbon magnetic nanoparticles (FCA MNPs) with highly dispersed copper nanoparticles (Cu NPs) and 92.8 ppm of Pd is reported for room temperature Suzuki reaction. For enhancing the activity of this Cu‐based heterogeneous catalyst, special arginine amino acid as a ligand with high content of heteroatoms was immobilized onto the Fe3O4@carbon MNPs to increase the electron density. Cu(II) ions were then loaded on the surface of the FCA MNPs and reduced to achieve uniformly dispersed Cu NPs. An aqueous mixture of metal hydroxides such as KOH, Ba(OH)2, Ca(OH)2, Mg(OH)2 as a green, non‐toxic and basic medium was used for the Suzuki reaction at room temperature. This catalyst could also be recovered and reused with no loss of activity over six successful runs.


, arginine, carbon‐coated magnetic nanoparticles, highly dispersed Cu nanoparticles, room temperature Suzuki reaction
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author = {Lamei, Kamran and Eshghi, Hossein and Bakavoli, Mehdi and S. Rostamnia},
title = {Highly dispersed copper/ppm palladium nanoparticles as novel magnetically recoverable catalyst for Suzuki reaction under aqueous conditions at room temperature},
journal = {Applied Organometallic Chemistry},
year = {2017},
volume = {31},
number = {11},
month = {October},
issn = {0268-2605},
keywords = {arginine; carbon‐coated magnetic nanoparticles; highly dispersed Cu nanoparticles; room temperature Suzuki reaction},


%0 Journal Article
%T Highly dispersed copper/ppm palladium nanoparticles as novel magnetically recoverable catalyst for Suzuki reaction under aqueous conditions at room temperature
%A Lamei, Kamran
%A Eshghi, Hossein
%A Bakavoli, Mehdi
%A S. Rostamnia
%J Applied Organometallic Chemistry
%@ 0268-2605
%D 2017
