The XXVII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress , 2017-04-24

Title : ( Tourism Development in Rural Areas and Changes in Population, Economy and Environment )

Authors: Hamdollah Sojasi Qeidari , narges vazin ,

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Rural tourism is one of the branches of the tourism industry that due to natural and human potentials and attractions in rural areas can play an important role in the revitalization of rural areas, creating the employments and income for rural people, conservation of natural, cultural, historical heritages and finally rural integrated sustainable development. Due to the inherent nature of tourism con-cept, it contains the various aspects such as economic, socio-cultural and environmental dimensions that its influencing could be analyzed. There are so many studies and researches about tourism and rural tourism and also its different aspects. Tourism development in rural area has a many positive and negative effects on rural communities in various aspects such as economic, social- cultural and environmental dimensions that could be resulted to important changes in rural people life. Therefore, theoretical literature studying based on documentary methodology show that rural tourists increasing could be resulted to significant changes in rural community’s life style such as changing in income, income resources, wearing style, increasing population and … aspect of their life. These changes are common in all around of world destination rural. Because rural tourists transfer and advancement their life cultural values, social life and economic livelihoods in destination rural area that its impacts are changing the rural people life style.


, Tourism Development, Rural Tourism, Rural Changes, Tourism Effects
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author = {Sojasi Qeidari, Hamdollah and Narges Vazin},
title = {Tourism Development in Rural Areas and Changes in Population, Economy and Environment},
booktitle = {The XXVII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress},
year = {2017},
location = {کراکوف, pol},
keywords = {Tourism Development; Rural Tourism; Rural Changes; Tourism Effects},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Tourism Development in Rural Areas and Changes in Population, Economy and Environment
%A Sojasi Qeidari, Hamdollah
%A Narges Vazin
%J The XXVII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress
%D 2017
