EMC Europe 2017 , 2017-09-04

Title : ( Electromagnetic Modeling of an Enclosure with an Aperture Excited by an External Thin Wire )

Authors: akram ramezani , Mojtaba Joodaki ,

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This paper presents an analytical method to determine the electric field inside an enclosure with an aperture from a thin wire as an efficient source outside the enclosure. In this regard, the wire is divided into multiple segments as discrete plane wave (far-field) sources. These sources radiate and excite the enclosure through the aperture which can be modeled by Robinson’s formulation. Finally using superposition principle at the observation point, total electric field can be evaluated. The analytical results are verified by 3D full-wave simulation from 0.6-2GHz.


enclosure with aperture; thin wire; antenna; electric field
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author = {Ramezani, Akram and Joodaki, Mojtaba},
title = {Electromagnetic Modeling of an Enclosure with an Aperture Excited by an External Thin Wire},
booktitle = {EMC Europe 2017},
year = {2017},
location = {Angers, french},
keywords = {enclosure with aperture; thin wire; antenna; electric field},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Electromagnetic Modeling of an Enclosure with an Aperture Excited by an External Thin Wire
%A Ramezani, Akram
%A Joodaki, Mojtaba
%J EMC Europe 2017
%D 2017
