Applied Radiation and Isotopes, ( ISI ), Volume (66), No (3), Year (2008-3) , Pages (395-400)

Title : ( Light transport feature for SCINFUL )

Authors: G. R. Etaati , Nima Ghal-Eh ,

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An extended version of the scintillator response function prediction code SCINFUL has been developed by incorporating PHOTRACK, a Monte Carlo light transport code. Comparisons of calculated and experimental results for organic scintillators exposed to neutrons show that the extended code improves the predictive capability of SCINFUL.


SCINFUL PHOTRACK NE213 scintillator Response function
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author = {G. R. Etaati and Ghal-Eh, Nima},
title = {Light transport feature for SCINFUL},
journal = {Applied Radiation and Isotopes},
year = {2008},
volume = {66},
number = {3},
month = {March},
issn = {0969-8043},
pages = {395--400},
numpages = {5},
keywords = {SCINFUL PHOTRACK NE213 scintillator Response function},


%0 Journal Article
%T Light transport feature for SCINFUL
%A G. R. Etaati
%A Ghal-Eh, Nima
%J Applied Radiation and Isotopes
%@ 0969-8043
%D 2008
