Mapping New Directions in Sociology of Social Problems: Approaches, Methodologies and Social Contexts” , 2017-10-05

Title : ( Dynamism in patterns of social problems in Iran, 1996-2016 )

Authors: Hossein Akbari ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Society as a complex of different sub-systems is influenced by the interactions between these sub-systems. These processes in different social domains, through interaction mechanisms, have a mutual and complex effect on the social structure. Social crimes are also influenced by variables of other areas, in particular, economic and political areas, through various causal mechanisms. This study aimed to investigate the impact of political and economic transitions on the social crimes pattern. For this purpose, the correlation between Iran’s economic and political macro-variables with the index of social crimes were analyzed using available data from 1996 to 2016. To investigate the relationship between macroeconomic indicators and the status of social crimes in Iran, three indicators were considered: Unemployment, Inflation and Income Inequality. The results show correlation between the Gini coefficient and the crimes index is 0.60 and significant, the relationship between total unemployment rate and crimes index is positive but not significant but there is a strong and significant relationship between youth’s unemployment rate and crimes index. So the results show that there is no significant relationship between inflation and crimes index in the period under study. According to findings both crimes and macroeconomic indicators follow a same logic of change that reflects the impact of more important indicators, such as government policies.


, social crimes, patterns, political-economic transitions, Iran
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Akbari, Hossein},
title = {Dynamism in patterns of social problems in Iran, 1996-2016},
booktitle = {Mapping New Directions in Sociology of Social Problems: Approaches, Methodologies and Social Contexts”},
year = {2017},
location = {ورشو, pol},
keywords = {social crimes; patterns; political-economic transitions; Iran},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Dynamism in patterns of social problems in Iran, 1996-2016
%A Akbari, Hossein
%J Mapping New Directions in Sociology of Social Problems: Approaches, Methodologies and Social Contexts”
%D 2017
