Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering , 2016-05-10

Title : ( Temperature Control of Heating Procedure in Blade Production Process )

Authors: Niloofar Minoochehr , Nima Vaezi , Parisa Tavakkoli Heravi , Seyed Kamal Hosseini Sani ,

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Wind turbine blade manufacturing is one of the most important projects executed in Sun and Air Research Institute (SARI). The Vacuum Infusion Process (VIP) is used in the blade manufacturing. Each blade concluded from layers of composite combined with resin. This combined material is heated based on the predefined temperature profile. In the heating process, the most important task is tracking the temperature profile and regulating the blade temperature with the reference signal. Therefore the temperature control should be executed through accurate control systems. In this paper the heating element voltage is controlled by using adaptive GPC and EDMC controllers. Controlling this voltage leads to blade temperature control. Simulation and control design is done in MATLAB Simulink. There are some limitations in the heating system that obligates the designer to utilize the adaptive control system. These limitations are listed as delay in heating system, different transfer function parameters in various blade sections and lack of the cooling system. In fact there is not a cooling system and therefore overshoot in the blade temperature is not acceptable and controllable during the heating process. It is necessary to utilize the adaptive control to overcome overshoot and over-heating as well as other limitations in heating system. The simulation results illustrate that the temperature of heating process alters smoothly moreover it tracks the desired temperature profile without any overshoot.


, Blade, EDMC, GPC, Heating Process, Wind Turbine.
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Minoochehr, Niloofar and Vaezi, Nima and Tavakkoli Heravi, Parisa and Hosseini Sani, Seyed Kamal},
title = {Temperature Control of Heating Procedure in Blade Production Process},
booktitle = {Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering},
year = {2016},
location = {شیراز, IRAN},
keywords = {Blade; EDMC; GPC; Heating Process; Wind Turbine.},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Temperature Control of Heating Procedure in Blade Production Process
%A Minoochehr, Niloofar
%A Vaezi, Nima
%A Tavakkoli Heravi, Parisa
%A Hosseini Sani, Seyed Kamal
%J Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering
%D 2016
