International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Volume (48), No (8), Year (2017-10) , Pages (1206-1224)

Title : ( Revised Bloom's taxonomy and integral calculus: unpacking the knowledge dimension )

Authors: Farzad Radmehr , Michael Drake ,

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In this paper, the knowledge dimension for Revised Bloom’s taxonomy (RBT) is unpacked for integral calculus. As part of this work, the 11 subtypes of the knowledge dimension are introduced, and through document analysis of chapter 4 of the RBT handbook, these subtypes are defined. Then, by consulting materials frequently used for teaching integral calculus, each subtype is exemplified. The developed dimension may enable or enhance opportunities for dialogue between lecturers, teachers, and researchers about how to develop and align educational objectives, teaching activities, and assessments in integral calculus, or how metacognition and metacognitive knowledge could be used to support teaching and learning.


Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy; Integral Calculus; metacognitive knowledge
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author = {Radmehr, Farzad and Michael Drake},
title = {Revised Bloom's taxonomy and integral calculus: unpacking the knowledge dimension},
journal = {International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology},
year = {2017},
volume = {48},
number = {8},
month = {October},
issn = {0020-739X},
pages = {1206--1224},
numpages = {18},
keywords = {Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy; Integral Calculus; metacognitive knowledge},


%0 Journal Article
%T Revised Bloom's taxonomy and integral calculus: unpacking the knowledge dimension
%A Radmehr, Farzad
%A Michael Drake
%J International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology
%@ 0020-739X
%D 2017
