Meccanica, ( ISI ), Volume (53), No (8), Year (2018-1) , Pages (2121-2143)

Title : ( Using co-rotational method for cracked frame analysis )

Authors: Mohaamad Rezaiee Pajand , Nima Gharaei Moghaddam ,

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A cracked element is formulated using the two-filed Hellinger–Reissner functional. Due to utilization of the linear elastic fracture mechanics, only geometrical nonlinearities can be considered for the cracked element. A clear step-by-step algorithm for the element state determination is also presented. The element flexibility matrix is derived in a basic coordinate system. Co-rotational approach is used to transform the element stiffness matrix and the resisting force vector from the basic system to the global one. The suggested element is applicable for static and dynamic analysis, as well as, the stress intensity factor calculation, and also inverse crack detection. Various numerical problems verify accuracy of the proposed element for linear and nonlinear structural analysis.


, Force, based formulation ; Timoshenko beam ; Geometrical nonlinearity ; Co, rotational ; Linear elastic fracture mechanics ; Edge crack ; Stress intensity factor ; Element state determination