XXVIIth ESRS conference – Uneven processes of rural change: On diversity, knowledge and justice , 2017-07-24

Title : ( The Impact of Rural Youth Migration on So-cio-economic Crisis in Rural Areas )

Authors: n. vazin , Tahereh Sadeghloo , H. Mokhtari Hashi ,

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Migration from rural is main phenomena in developing countries, that has very positive and negative impact. Rural - Urban Migration is one of the consequences of industrialization process and the establishment of indus-tries in urban areas. Rural - Urban Migration in which mainly young labor forces of rural areas move and to cities, has economic and social consequences in both the origin and the destination. Based on this problem, the research using descriptive-analytic method seeks to study the economic and social consequences of migration of young people from rural areas. The results show that the economic consequences of such withdrawal of the labor force are: decline in agricultural products, wasting natural resources, economic stagnation, greater poverty that lead to “Economic Crisis” and the social consequenc-es such as: population aging, females marriage aging, disconnection of youth people with their family that caused “Social Crisis” in rural areas


, Migration, Rural Youth , Socio-economic Crisis, Rural Areas
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author = {N. Vazin and Sadeghloo, Tahereh and H. Mokhtari Hashi},
title = {The Impact of Rural Youth Migration on So-cio-economic Crisis in Rural Areas},
booktitle = {XXVIIth ESRS conference – Uneven processes of rural change: On diversity, knowledge and justice},
year = {2017},
location = {خارکف, pol},
keywords = {Migration;Rural Youth ; Socio-economic Crisis; Rural Areas},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T The Impact of Rural Youth Migration on So-cio-economic Crisis in Rural Areas
%A N. Vazin
%A Sadeghloo, Tahereh
%A H. Mokhtari Hashi
%J XXVIIth ESRS conference – Uneven processes of rural change: On diversity, knowledge and justice
%D 2017
