Organic Electronics: physics, materials, applications, Volume (54), No (3), Year (2017-12) , Pages (192-196)

Title : ( Experimental investigation of tensile mechanical strain influence on the dark current of organic solar cells )

Authors: Majid Salari , Mojtaba Joodaki , Saeed Mehregan ,

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environment temperatures. The most important electrical parameters of the strained cells are extracted as a function of the strain at different temperatures for two conditions: when the cells are under strain and when they are relaxed for 3 min after applying the strain. The only parameter that shows a considerable meaningful change by strain is the series resistance. The final results confirm that the cell with silver electrodes, shows a current increase by tensile strain due to the polymeric chains alignment along the strain direction. But the cell with carbon electrodes experiences a current decrement by increasing the strain. We believe that the carbon electrode, due to the larger carbon Young's modulus, in comparison with the silver electrode cells creates more defect states in the flexible polymeric cells under the same amount of the applied strain. Furthermore, the cell with softer and more stretchable silver grid electrodes can withstand a higher level of strain before suffering any permanent damage.


Organic solar cells; OPV; Dark current; Tensile strain
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author = {Salari, Majid and Joodaki, Mojtaba and Saeed Mehregan},
title = {Experimental investigation of tensile mechanical strain influence on the dark current of organic solar cells},
journal = {Organic Electronics: physics, materials, applications},
year = {2017},
volume = {54},
number = {3},
month = {December},
issn = {1566-1199},
pages = {192--196},
numpages = {4},
keywords = {Organic solar cells; OPV; Dark current; Tensile strain},


%0 Journal Article
%T Experimental investigation of tensile mechanical strain influence on the dark current of organic solar cells
%A Salari, Majid
%A Joodaki, Mojtaba
%A Saeed Mehregan
%J Organic Electronics: physics, materials, applications
%@ 1566-1199
%D 2017
