International congress on biomedicine , 2017-12-18

Title : ( Pattern of efflux pump genes in imipenem resistant Acinetobacter isolates )

Authors: Maryam Abbasi Shaye , Ghazaleh Amiri , Mirza Mohammad Reza Sharifmoghadam , Masoumeh Bahreini ,

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Acinetobacter species are opportunistic pathogens and responsible for various types of nosocomial infections. They are important due to their multidrug resistance phenotype and their ability to acquire antibiotic resistance genes. One of the most important mechanisms of resistance in these bacteria is the overexpression of efflux pumps. The aim of this study is to investigate the frequency and pattern of efflux pumps genes; adeB, adeI and abeM in imipenem resistant Acinetobacter isolates.


, efflux pump, imipenem, resistance, Acinetobacter
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Abbasi Shaye, Maryam and Amiri, Ghazaleh and Sharifmoghadam, Mirza Mohammad Reza and Bahreini, Masoumeh},
title = {Pattern of efflux pump genes in imipenem resistant Acinetobacter isolates},
booktitle = {International congress on biomedicine},
year = {2017},
location = {تهران, IRAN},
keywords = {efflux pump; imipenem; resistance; Acinetobacter},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Pattern of efflux pump genes in imipenem resistant Acinetobacter isolates
%A Abbasi Shaye, Maryam
%A Amiri, Ghazaleh
%A Sharifmoghadam, Mirza Mohammad Reza
%A Bahreini, Masoumeh
%J International congress on biomedicine
%D 2017
