سومین همایش رویکردهای میان رشته ای به آموزش زبان، ادبیات و مطالعات ترجمه , 2017-10-24

Title : ( Textual Representation of the Female Character’s Identity Change: A Stylistic Study of Shaw’s Pygmalion )

Authors: Elaf Muslim , Mahmood Reza Ghorban Sabbagh , Vahideh Sayedi ,

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Modality which deals with the interpersonal function of language by investigating how social associations between discourse participants are exchanged is one of the effective tools in stylistic analysis. The present study intends to utilize modality in an attempt to analyze two different excerpts of Pygmalion in order to show different degrees of certainty, obligation, and probability in the central character’s statements. The aim is to delineate the development of the character in the course of the play as it is reflected in her language. Thus, Simpson's modal framework will be applied in this paper. At last, it will be concluded that the epistemic type of modality is preponderant in Eliza's statements when she is not yet transformed into a lady, signifying her lower social status and her lack of confidence. However, in the last act, she is really confident and thus deontic modality is more noticeable in her language. In addition, this modal outline helps us recognize the shading of the text which is closely linked to the pattern of modality in the play. The parts related to Eliza seem to be negative in shading at first but they turn out to be more positive in the closing scenes of the play as the analysis of the second excerpt shows.


, Pygmalion, deontic modality, epistemic modality, negative shading, positive shading
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author = {Muslim, Elaf and Ghorban Sabbagh, Mahmood Reza and Sayedi, Vahideh},
title = {Textual Representation of the Female Character’s Identity Change: A Stylistic Study of Shaw’s Pygmalion},
booktitle = {سومین همایش رویکردهای میان رشته ای به آموزش زبان، ادبیات و مطالعات ترجمه},
year = {2017},
location = {مشهد, IRAN},
keywords = {Pygmalion; deontic modality; epistemic modality; negative shading; positive shading},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Textual Representation of the Female Character’s Identity Change: A Stylistic Study of Shaw’s Pygmalion
%A Muslim, Elaf
%A Ghorban Sabbagh, Mahmood Reza
%A Sayedi, Vahideh
%J سومین همایش رویکردهای میان رشته ای به آموزش زبان، ادبیات و مطالعات ترجمه
%D 2017
