Communication Korean Mathematical Society, Volume (33), No (3), Year (2017-12) , Pages (721-739)

Title : ( Jordan Generalized Derivations on Trivial Extension Algebras )

Authors: mohammad ali bahmani , D. Bennis , Hamid Reza Ebrahimi Vishki , Azam Erfanian Attar , B. Fahid ,

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In this paper, we investigate the problem of describing the form of Jordan generalized derivations on trivial extension algebras. One of the main results shows, under some conditions, that every Jordan generalized derivation on a trivial extension algebra is the sum of a generalized derivation and an antiderivation. This result extends the study of Jordan generalized derivations on triangular algebras (see [13]), and also it can be considered as a \generalized" counterpart of the results given on Jordan derivations of a trivial extension algebra (see [10]).


, Trivial extension algebra; triangular algebra; Jordan derivation; Jordan generalized derivation; f, generalized derivation.
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author = {Bahmani, Mohammad Ali and D. Bennis and Ebrahimi Vishki, Hamid Reza and Azam Erfanian Attar and B. Fahid},
title = {Jordan Generalized Derivations on Trivial Extension Algebras},
journal = {Communication Korean Mathematical Society},
year = {2017},
volume = {33},
number = {3},
month = {December},
issn = {1225-1763},
pages = {721--739},
numpages = {18},
keywords = {Trivial extension algebra; triangular algebra; Jordan derivation; Jordan generalized derivation; f-generalized derivation.},


%0 Journal Article
%T Jordan Generalized Derivations on Trivial Extension Algebras
%A Bahmani, Mohammad Ali
%A D. Bennis
%A Ebrahimi Vishki, Hamid Reza
%A Azam Erfanian Attar
%A B. Fahid
%J Communication Korean Mathematical Society
%@ 1225-1763
%D 2017
