Journal of Organic Chemistry, ( ISI ), Volume (81), No (22), Year (2016-10) , Pages (11145-11152)

Title : ( Palladium Catalyzed, Multicomponent Synthesis of Fused-Ring Pyrroles from Aryl Iodides, Carbon Monoxide, and Alkyne-Tethered Imines )

Authors: Neda Firoozi , G. M. Torres , B. A. Arndtsen ,

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A palladium-catalyzed multicomponent route topolycyclic pyrroles is described. Pd(PtBu3)2was found tocatalyze the coupling of (hetero)aryl iodides, two equivalentsof carbon monoxide and alkyne-tethered imines into 1,3-dipoles (Münchnones), which undergo spontaneous, intra-molecular 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition to form polycyclicpyrroles. The systematic variation of the alkyne, tethered-imine, or aryl iodide can allow the buildup of a range of pyrrolederivatives, where any of the substituents can be independentlyvaried. In addition, the same palladium catalyst can beemployed in an initial Sonogashira-type coupling with aryl iodides, which upon the addition of CO can allow the noveltandem catalytic,five component synthesis of diversely substituted products.


, substituted, Multicomponent Synthesis