Title : ( Effect of sample initial magnetic field on the metal magnetic memory NDT result )
Authors: mahdi moonesan , Mehrdad Kashefi Torbati ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
One of the major concerns regarding the use of Metal Magnetic Memory (MMM) technique is the complexity of residual magnetization effect on output signals. The present study investigates the influence of residual magnetic field on stress induced magnetization. To this end, various initial magnetic fields were induced on a low carbon steel sample, and for each level of residual magnetic field, the sample was subjected to a set of 4-point bending tests and, their corresponding MMM signals were collected from the surface of the bended sample using a tailored metal magnetic memory scanning device. Results showed a strong correlation between sample residual magnetic field and its corresponding level of stress induced magnetic field. It was observed that the sample magnetic field increases with applying the bending stress as long as the initial residual magnet field is low (i.e. <117 mG), but starts decreasing with higher levels of initial residual magnetic fields. Besides, effect of bending stress on the MMM output of a notched sample was investigated. The result, again, showed that MMM signals exhibit a drop at stress concentration zone when sample has high level of initial residual magnetic field.