Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, ( ISI ), Volume (27), No (7), Year (2018-7) , Pages (3508-3520)

Title : ( Mechanical Properties and Interface Evaluation of Al/AZ31 Multilayer Composites Produced by ARB at Different Rolling Temperatures )

Authors: Maryam Abbasi , Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi ,

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Many researchers have studied the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al/Mg composites rolled at a unique temperature; however, the effect of rolling temperature, which is one of the more decisive accumulative roll bonding (ARB) parameters, has not been investigated. In this work laminated Al/Mg composites were fabricated by ARB at different temperatures using AZ31 magnesium alloy and commercial pure aluminum sheets. The microstructure of the layers and the mechanical properties of the rolled Al/AZ31composites were investigated. Tensile and bending properties of the multilayer materials were examined by tensile and three-point bending tests. The results showed that mechanical bonding of the layers was improved with increasing rolling temperature. As a result, the intermediate rolling temperature (300 °C) indicated the best mechanical properties. Moreover, hot rolling caused an accelerated formation of intermetallic compounds.


, ARB, Rolling temperature, Al/AZ31, Multilayer composite, Interface.