Title : ( Occurrence of Haemoproteus spp. (Haemosporida: Haemoproteidae) in New Host Records of Passerine Birds from the East of Iran )
Authors: Leila Nourani , Mansour Aliabadian , N. Dinparast Djadid , Omid Mirshamsi ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
Background: Avian haemosporidians are able to parasitize numerous bird species all over the world. The extensive range of blood parasites infection rate is between 50% and 100% or less percentage. Haemoparasites with major effects on physiology, ecology, health, population dynamics, sexual selection and production success of avian hosts may promote species extinction. Methods: To evaluate haemosporidians infection rate in Iranian birds, 136 individuals were examined by microscopic observation of stained blood smears under light microscope. These samples belonged to 10 different families of Songbirds from the east of Iran from April to August 2014-2016. Results: Fifty-one passerine birds were detected as harboring Haemoproteus spp. Furthermore, we recorded Haemoproteus spp. infection of Granativora bruniceps, Oenanthe pleschanka for the first time in the world and eight more species for Iran. Conclusion: Age and sampling localities do not influence the infection rate of Haemoproteus spp. from the eastern provinces of Iran. The relative high infection of avian haematozoa revealed this region might provide suitable sites for future studies on these parasites and the relationship with their hosts and vectors.
, Haemoproteidae, Plasmodium, Blood parasites, Passeriformes@article{paperid:1069210,
author = {Nourani, Leila and Aliabadian, Mansour and N. Dinparast Djadid and Mirshamsi, Omid},
title = {Occurrence of Haemoproteus spp. (Haemosporida: Haemoproteidae) in New Host Records of Passerine Birds from the East of Iran},
journal = {Iranian Journal of Parasitology},
year = {2018},
volume = {13},
number = {2},
month = {June},
issn = {1735-7020},
pages = {267--274},
numpages = {7},
keywords = {Haemoproteidae; Plasmodium; Blood parasites; Passeriformes},
%0 Journal Article
%T Occurrence of Haemoproteus spp. (Haemosporida: Haemoproteidae) in New Host Records of Passerine Birds from the East of Iran
%A Nourani, Leila
%A Aliabadian, Mansour
%A N. Dinparast Djadid
%A Mirshamsi, Omid
%J Iranian Journal of Parasitology
%@ 1735-7020
%D 2018