Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, ( ISI ), Volume (479), No (479), Year (2018-6) , Pages (1287-1296)

Title : ( Local fragmentation of thin discs in Eddington-inspired gravity )

Authors: Mahmood Roshan , Ali Kazemi , Ivan De Martino ,

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We find the generalized version of the Toomre’s criterion for the stability of a rotating thin disc in the context of Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld (EiBI) gravity that possesses one free parameter χ . To do so we use the weak field limit of the theory and find the dispersion relation for the propagation of matter density waves on the surface of a self-gravitating and differentially rotating disc. Finally, we find a new version of Toomre’s stability criterion for thin discs. We show that EiBI gravity with negative χ destabilizes all the rotating thin discs. On the other hand, EiBI with positive χ substantially can suppress the local fragmentation, and has stabilizing effects against axisymmetric perturbations. More specifically, we show that only an annulus remains unstable on the surface of the disc. The width of the annulus directly depends on the magnitude of χ .


gravitation – hydrodynamics – instabilities.
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author = {Roshan, Mahmood and Kazemi, Ali and ّIvan De Martino},
title = {Local fragmentation of thin discs in Eddington-inspired gravity},
journal = {Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society},
year = {2018},
volume = {479},
number = {479},
month = {June},
issn = {0035-8711},
pages = {1287--1296},
numpages = {9},
keywords = {gravitation – hydrodynamics – instabilities.},


%0 Journal Article
%T Local fragmentation of thin discs in Eddington-inspired gravity
%A Roshan, Mahmood
%A Kazemi, Ali
%A ّIvan De Martino
%J Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
%@ 0035-8711
%D 2018
