Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, ( ISI ), Volume (57), No (1), Year (2018-9) , Pages (13639-13649)

Title : ( Fischer –Tropsch synthesis over cobalt/CNTs catalysts: Functionalized support and catalyst preparation effect on activity and kinetic parameters )

Authors: Ali Nakhaei Pour , Mohammad Reza Housaindokht , Seyed Mehdi Kamali Shahri ,

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The effect of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) functionalization as a support on cobalt catalyst activity in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis (FTS) was investigated. The CNTs functionalized with hydrogen peroxide and sonicated via a pulsing method with different pulse time. The cobalt catalysts synthesized by impregnation method. Confinement of concise Co particle inside the functionalized CNTs at a shorter time of sonication (Co/FCNTs-10 with 10-second pulses of sonication) was confirmed by TEM analysis. The Co/FCNTs-10 catalyst show higher FTS activity than non-sonicated Co/CNTs and Co/FCNTs-20 with 20-second pulses of sonication. The activation energies obtained through the kinetic results for FTS reaction over Co/FCNTs- 10, Co/FCNTs-20, and Co/CNTs are 92.1, 98.8, and 102.7 kJ/mol. The heat of hydrogen adsorption is calculated -40.8, -34.2 and -21.4 (kJ/mol) for Co/CNTs, Co/FCNTs-20 and Co/FCNTs-10 catalysts, respectively. Co/FCNTs-10 catalyst shows higher hydrogen spillover than non-sonicated Co/CNTs catalyst.


, Nanoparticles dispersion, Carbon nanotubes, Fischer–Tropsch synthesis, Functionalization
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author = {Nakhaei Pour, Ali and Housaindokht, Mohammad Reza and Seyed Mehdi Kamali Shahri},
title = {Fischer –Tropsch synthesis over cobalt/CNTs catalysts: Functionalized support and catalyst preparation effect on activity and kinetic parameters},
journal = {Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research},
year = {2018},
volume = {57},
number = {1},
month = {September},
issn = {0888-5885},
pages = {13639--13649},
numpages = {10},
keywords = {Nanoparticles dispersion; Carbon nanotubes; Fischer–Tropsch synthesis; Functionalization},


%0 Journal Article
%T Fischer –Tropsch synthesis over cobalt/CNTs catalysts: Functionalized support and catalyst preparation effect on activity and kinetic parameters
%A Nakhaei Pour, Ali
%A Housaindokht, Mohammad Reza
%A Seyed Mehdi Kamali Shahri
%J Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
%@ 0888-5885
%D 2018
