Title : ( Investigation of Psychometric Characteristics of Persian Version of Sport Attributional Style Scale (SASS) Among Elite Athletes )
Authors: Ehda Zoljanahi , Mahdi Mohammadi-nezhad , Bahram Sadeghpour Gildeh , Hamid Reza Taheri ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
Abstract Background: Thecurrentstudyaimedatinvestigatingtherelationshipsamongthreevariablesof sportattributionalstyle, sport self-efficacy, and creativity to provide a theoretical model of relationships between these variables in elite team athletes based on thestructuralequationmodeling. Objectives:Providingtheoreticalmodelofrelationshipsbetweensportattributionalstyles,sportself-efficacy,andcreativityinelite teamathletesusingstructuralequationmodeling. Methods: The statistical population consisted of 2853 elite team athletes. Out of the population, 192 elite team athletes were randomly selected as the sample from different sport clubs in Tehran, Iran, in 2014. The sport-confident questionnaire, sport attributional style scale, and the creativity questionnaire were employed to collect the data. Then, AMOS version 23 was used to apply structuralequationmodeling. Results: The measurement and structural models (after success, after failure) of elite team athletes well fitted the data. Standard coefficientsof allcomponentsandindices(questions)weresignificant(P< 0.05),exceptfordirectcoefficientsbetweensportattributionalstyleandcreativity(P=0.297aftersuccessandP=0.640afterfailure). Conclusions: The current study results showed a positive significant relationship between sport self-efficacy and sport attributional styles. Moreover, sport self-efficacy had a mediating role between sport attributional styles and creativity. Thus, identifying structuralrelationshipsbetweenthesevariableswasof greatbenefittopromoteathletes’ mentalhealth.
, Keywords: Athletes, Creativity, Mental Health, Questionnaires, Self-Efficacy, Sports@article{paperid:1070936,
author = {Ehda Zoljanahi and Mohammadi-nezhad, Mahdi and Sadeghpour Gildeh, Bahram and Taheri, Hamid Reza},
title = {Investigation of Psychometric Characteristics of Persian Version of Sport Attributional Style Scale (SASS) Among Elite Athletes},
journal = {Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences},
year = {2018},
volume = {12},
number = {4},
month = {September},
issn = {1735-8639},
pages = {1--7},
numpages = {6},
keywords = {Keywords: Athletes;Creativity;Mental Health;Questionnaires;Self-Efficacy;Sports},
%0 Journal Article
%T Investigation of Psychometric Characteristics of Persian Version of Sport Attributional Style Scale (SASS) Among Elite Athletes
%A Ehda Zoljanahi
%A Mohammadi-nezhad, Mahdi
%A Sadeghpour Gildeh, Bahram
%A Taheri, Hamid Reza
%J Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
%@ 1735-8639
%D 2018