15th Iran International Industrial Engineering Conference , 2019-01-23

Title : ( Optimal electric vehicle charging station placing with integration of renewable energy )

Authors: Shirin Yazdani , ramin ahadi , Babak Rezaee Khabooshan ,

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In light of the large-scale electric vehicle (EV) development which outnumber the public charging stations, it is imperative to design and locate electric vehicle charging station (EVCS) in order to deliver lower costs for both charging infrastructure owners and distribution grids. In this paper, we investigated the location problem of EVCSs on city-scale in a synergy between photovoltaic (PV) panels and the grid where budget constraint and cooperative covering of charging spots are considered. Based on the assignment rules of energy management for each charging station, a mixed integer linear model is developed to formulate the problem. This paper aims to combine modelling of the power consumption and production associated with both grid and renewable energies and maximization of EVCS profits, on the owner of charging station side. Applying the model to five charging station candidates in Mashhad, the results show that using this model and the simultaneous presence of EVs and renewable energy sources in the network, make a reduction in costs while an increase in profits.


Electric Vehicle; Charging Station; Renewable Energy; Location Problem
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Yazdani, Shirin and Ahadi, Ramin and Rezaee Khabooshan, Babak},
title = {Optimal electric vehicle charging station placing with integration of renewable energy},
booktitle = {15th Iran International Industrial Engineering Conference},
year = {2019},
location = {Yazd, IRAN},
keywords = {Electric Vehicle; Charging Station; Renewable Energy; Location Problem},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Optimal electric vehicle charging station placing with integration of renewable energy
%A Yazdani, Shirin
%A Ahadi, Ramin
%A Rezaee Khabooshan, Babak
%J 15th Iran International Industrial Engineering Conference
%D 2019
