Third International and Fifteenth Iranian Genetics Congress , 2018-05-13

Title : ( Investigation of chromosomal instability in human amniotic fluid cells by FISH technique )

Authors: Seyed Mehdi Hoseini , Fateme Montazeri , Maryam Moghaddam Matin , Seyed mehdi kalantar , Ahmad Reza Bahrami , Mohammad Hasan Sheikhha , Hassan Heidarian Meimandi , Saeed Ghasemi-Esmailabad ,

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Background: In human, as early as 7-8 days post fertilization, a small film of liquid gradually appears between the cells of epiblast layer that is called amniotic fluid. Broadly, the function of amniotic fluid fall into three main category; physical, functional and homeostasis. Since long time ago, this vital fluid has been the basis for the prenatal diagnosis (PND). The cells as a trivial fraction of amniotic fluid have the key role in PND approaches. The main drawback to cell culture-based methods is a phenomenon called chromosomal instability (CIN) in which loss and gain of some or whole chromosomes establishes aneuploidy and polyploidy in cultured cells, respectively. Objective: We investigate chromosomal instability in amniocytes obtained from pregnant women who were candidate for amniocentesis. Material and Method: Obtained amniotic fluid sample by amniocentesis were centrifuged at 400g for 15 min, then the cell pellet was comparatively cultured in supplemented Amniomax and DMEM, and incubated at 37 ͦ C under 5% humidified CO2. The samples were harvested between passage 4-6 when they were arrested and not be able to be passaged any more. Afterwards, the cells were harvested and fixed on slide for investigating possibility of aneuploidy and polyploidy by multi-color FISH probes for chromosomes 13,18,21, X and Y. Result and Conclusion: Our result showed any aneuploidy and polyploidy in cultured amniocytes by FISH, suggesting that chromosomal instability is very rare in cultured amniotic fluid cells. Only one of the samples showed Trisomy 21 which confirmed the results in the patient's case.


, Amniotic fluid cells, chromosomal instability (CIN), FISH, Amniomax, DMEM
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Hoseini, Seyed Mehdi and فاطمه منتظری and Moghaddam Matin, Maryam and سید مهدی کلانتر and Bahrami, Ahmad Reza and محمدحسن شیخها and حسن حیدریان میمندی and سعید قاسمی اسماعیل آباد},
title = {Investigation of chromosomal instability in human amniotic fluid cells by FISH technique},
booktitle = {Third International and Fifteenth Iranian Genetics Congress},
year = {2018},
location = {تهران, IRAN},
keywords = {Amniotic fluid cells; chromosomal instability (CIN); FISH; Amniomax; DMEM},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Investigation of chromosomal instability in human amniotic fluid cells by FISH technique
%A Hoseini, Seyed Mehdi
%A فاطمه منتظری
%A Moghaddam Matin, Maryam
%A سید مهدی کلانتر
%A Bahrami, Ahmad Reza
%A محمدحسن شیخها
%A حسن حیدریان میمندی
%A سعید قاسمی اسماعیل آباد
%J Third International and Fifteenth Iranian Genetics Congress
%D 2018
