The Second International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics, , 2018-02-01

Title : ( Towards a Theory of Adaptation )

Authors: Samar Adil Najim Al - Rammahi , Rajabali Askarzadeh Torghabeh ,

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From the initial days of cinema, adaptation has been an omnipresent procedure of filmmaking. According to what Hutcheon has stated in her book, A Theory of adaptation, adaptation theory refers to the methodical analysis of films which have been produced based on literary sources. In fact, movie adaptations have a history as long as the history of cinema itself and are becoming more prevalent all over the world. This study aims to provide a brief account of this theory and its main academics. In addition, this paper intends to argue the reason of classic novels’ popularity with the movie producers. It can be concluded that unlike the hostility which the adaptations would encounter during this field’s commencement time, now they are approved of by many critics as original productions, and this is the reason of their upward acceptance by many directors.


, Adaptation, Film, Literature, Adaptation theory, Adaptation fallacies
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author = {Al - Rammahi, Samar Adil Najim and Askarzadeh Torghabeh, Rajabali},
title = {Towards a Theory of Adaptation},
booktitle = {The Second International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics,},
year = {2018},
location = {IRAN},
keywords = {Adaptation; Film; Literature; Adaptation theory; Adaptation fallacies},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Towards a Theory of Adaptation
%A Al - Rammahi, Samar Adil Najim
%A Askarzadeh Torghabeh, Rajabali
%J The Second International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics,
%D 2018
