ICHEC2018 , 2018-05-06

Title : ( Preparation and characterization of Polycaprolactone/Extra virgin olive oil membranes by immersion precipitation for tissue engineering application )

Authors: Ramina Seyed hakim , Zahra Maghsoud , Raheleh Halabian ,

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In this study, polycaprolactone -PCL- membranes were prepared through immersion precipitation using a mixture of two solvents -tetrahydrofuran -THF- and dimethyl formamide -DMF--, and modified by incorporating extra virgin olive oil -EVO- to improve membrane morphology and make it more suitable for cell attachment and proliferation. Membranes prepared from PCL/THF-DMF solution showed a close-cell structure and the pure water permeability decreased with increasing THF ratio. However, incorporating EVO to the solution, changed the membrane structure from close to open cells, which is proper for cell attachment and proliferation. Nonetheless, no significant change was observed in the pore size of the membranes prepared by incorporating EVO to the PCL/THF-DMF solution. The FTIR analysis of membranes showed that the mixture of THF/DMF as solvent can help EVO to have better solubility in the solution.


, PCL/Olive oil membrane, phase inversion, immersion precipitation, tissue engineering
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author = {Seyed Hakim, Ramina and Maghsoud, Zahra and راحله حلبیان},
title = {Preparation and characterization of Polycaprolactone/Extra virgin olive oil membranes by immersion precipitation for tissue engineering application},
booktitle = {ICHEC2018},
year = {2018},
location = {IRAN},
keywords = {PCL/Olive oil membrane; phase inversion; immersion precipitation; tissue engineering},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Preparation and characterization of Polycaprolactone/Extra virgin olive oil membranes by immersion precipitation for tissue engineering application
%A Seyed Hakim, Ramina
%A Maghsoud, Zahra
%A راحله حلبیان
%J ICHEC2018
%D 2018
